The answer is simple: because of the exemplary architectures I once saw in 'Sila', a Turkish soap opera starring the handsome ex-model Mehmet Akif Alakurt and Cansu Dere, a former Miss Turkey second-runners up. The whole series was filmed in the old town of Mardin and nearby towns such as Midyat and Hasankeyf. At first I started following the series out of curiosity-thanks in no small part to the dark, good looks of the romantic, kind-hearted male lead known as Boran Aga (protrayed by Mr. Akif Alakurt). But soon after, something more fascinating caught my attention: the medieval sandstone mansions and buildings featured in the series, which would turn into an enchanting shade of fiery, mysterious brownish red in the evening sun.
Explore the Enchanting World of Eastern Mediterranean, Greece and Turkey with M40 the Secret Agent Beagle 一隻在世界各地趴趴走的米格魯小狗的冒險經歷... 富有冒險精神的它喜歡喝紅酒,吃黑森林蛋糕,有空時跑到愛琴海邊去曬太陽
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Going to Mardin - Part 1: Hotel Kervansarayi
The answer is simple: because of the exemplary architectures I once saw in 'Sila', a Turkish soap opera starring the handsome ex-model Mehmet Akif Alakurt and Cansu Dere, a former Miss Turkey second-runners up. The whole series was filmed in the old town of Mardin and nearby towns such as Midyat and Hasankeyf. At first I started following the series out of curiosity-thanks in no small part to the dark, good looks of the romantic, kind-hearted male lead known as Boran Aga (protrayed by Mr. Akif Alakurt). But soon after, something more fascinating caught my attention: the medieval sandstone mansions and buildings featured in the series, which would turn into an enchanting shade of fiery, mysterious brownish red in the evening sun.
Friday, 15 January 2010
Alacati: Turkish Town with a Blue-and-White Ambience
Like so many other towns on the Turkish Aegean coast, the majority of inhabitants in Alacati used to be ethnic Greeks in the Ottoman Empire. Hence the distinctively Greek flaire of the town. In the aftermath of the population exchange of 1923 between Greece and Turkey, most of Alacati's Greek population left Turkey and moved across the Aegean to Greece. Fortunately, the architectures of the town had not been torn down by the new inhabitants, (which was the case of many other formerly Greek towns in the western half of Turkey), but are converted into luxurious boutique hotels, beautiful inns with spacious courtyards, delightful outdoor cafes and restaurants.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Madalena: Small Harbour Town on Pico

Basically there is nothing much to do in this town, except for getting off and on the ferries. There are a few cafes where you can spend your time looking at the sea while waiting for the ferries, but that's it actually. It is a bit boring a place to visit, even for a short day-trip. You certainly need a car if you want to explore the beauty of the Pico island.

Horta: Small Town with a Long History

Horta's Tourist Information Office in located right next to the Marina, on a shady square right next to the posh Pousada de Santa Cruz.
Beaches of Faial, Part 1: Faja
Faja is a very secluded beach located at the western tip of Faial. There are no public transports to this beach, so you need a car or a taxi to get there.
Beaches of Faial, Part 2: Praia de Almoxarife
Free Shuttle Service Offered By Turkey's Atlasjet
In 2008, Atlasjet began offering free shuttle service for passengers booked on Atlasjet Antalya - Istanbul - Antalya flights . The courtesy bus leaves to/from Antalya airport from selected departure points in Alanya, Serik (near the Side junction), Manavgat and it has been a resounding success. Previously, passengers travelling from outside Antalya to Antalya Airport had to get off the intercity bus about 2km outside the airport terminal buildings, and take a taxi from there to reach the airport complex.
Now, in addition to Antalya (to Alanya, Serik, Manvagat), Atlasjet has extended their free shuttle service to Atlatsjet flights to/from another 3 cities:
1. Adana Airport - Mersin/Tarsus (and vice versa)
2. Free shuttle to Kusadasi/Selcuk from Izmir airport (and vice versa): this is especially useful for travellers who fly in from Istanbul to Izmir for the purpose of visiting the ruins of Ephesus and/or the beach resort of Kusadasi. Previously travellers had to pay a hefty 80 euro for the airport transfer between Izmir airport and Selcuk/Kusadasi, or have to drag their bags to Izmir's Central Bus station and change on a mini-bus to Selcuk. Now it is available for free if you fly with Atlasjet.